Reading Teacher

Phonics Instruction: 5 Reasons Why It is Important for Your Child's Development

Your child's reading and writing skills will be significantly impacted by their ability to decode words. Phonics instruction is a good way to build these skills and provide your child with the foundation they need for later success in school.


The letters of the alphabet have their own sounds and combinations of sounds. These sounds are called phonemes. Phonics instruction focuses on different ways that speech sounds combine to make words.


With that in mind, here are five reasons why you should consider phonics instruction for your child:

The Importance of Phonics Instruction

Phonics Instruction by Reading TeachersAs your child moves into the early stages of reading, she will learn to decode words. The letters of the alphabet have their own sounds and combinations of sounds. These sounds are called phonemes. Phonics instruction focuses on the different ways that speech sounds combine to make words.


The letters of the alphabet have their own sounds and combinations of sounds. These sounds are called phonemes. Phonics instruction focuses on the different ways that speech sounds combine can mix together to form word


Phonics instruction can help your child build their decoding skills and provide them with the foundation needed for success in school and beyond!

What is phonics?

Phonics is the study of how the speech sounds that are written words create meaning.


Speech sounds combine to form words. For example, the "th" sound is created by releasing air from your mouth between your teeth. The word "three" starts with the "t" and is followed by an "h". Phonics instruction teaches children how to assign the correct letter combinations to individual sounds they hear when they read.

Why you should consider phonics instruction for your child

Phonics instruction is a good way to build up your child’s reading and writing skills.  It teaches children how to decode the words that are made up of sounds. This also helps them to be more aware of the different letters that are in a word. For example, "cat" is made up of three letters: c-a-t.


Children often learn the alphabet through these instructions. Your child will start with the letter A, then move on to B, then C and so on until they learn all 26 letters of the alphabet. By teaching your child the alphabet through phonics instruction, you will help them become more confident when reading new words or recognizing words they have seen before.


Phonics instruction provides your child with the foundation they need for later success in school. Even though there are other ways to teach reading and writing skills, they won't always provide the same level of success as this instruction does, because it focuses on building pronunciation skills from the ground up.

How to teach children with phonics instruction

Phonics instruction can be learned through a variety of methods. Some parents may take their children to a certified speech-language pathologist for therapy, where they will learn the skills necessary to decode words. Other parents may teach their children at home with books and workbooks.


Regardless of the method by which your child learns phonics instruction, it is important to practice reading and writing. Being able to read and write fluently is a great life skill that will allow them to express themselves effectively in both the digital world and the physical world.

When to start teaching phonics

There is no right or wrong time to start teaching phonics. You can do it as soon as your child is old enough to speak, or you can wait until they are a preschooler. The best time to introduce phonic instruction will depend on what type of learner your child is. For example, auditory learners may respond better if they are introduced to phonics instruction early on, and visual learners may need more time before they benefit from instructional lessons.

Teach how words are created from letters

Phonics instruction teaches children how they can use the alphabet to make words. It is a word recognition process that teaches kids how letters combine to create meaning. This is important as it helps children to learn how to decode words and recognize reading patterns, which are both necessary for reading comprehension.

Recognize combinations of sounds in words

Phonics instruction teaches children to recognize combinations of sounds in words. For example, the word “cat” has three sounds: "c”, "a" & “t”. These sounds combine to make a single word, with a single meaning. This instruction helps children learn how letters are combined to form words, which will help them during reading and writing activities.

Teach the sounds of the letters

Phonics instruction teaches the sounds of letters and how they can change in different combinations. A phonics lesson might teach a child where to place her tongue when she says the letter “t” or the letter “k.”


This knowledge will help your child learn to read words that contain these letters. They will also be able to sound out words with these letters, which will help them develop comprehension skills.


Our world has become a turned digital and with that, we have lost the ability to communicate with one another using our own language. Children learn to read by using a deliberate method of teaching and it's called phonics instruction. This is crucial for their development. Because they are learning to read with such a strong foundation, they will be able to understand more quickly and retain more information.


This is something you should consider for your child. It's important for them to be able to communicate in their own language and to be aware of the sounds that letters make. You have many options when it comes to teaching phonics, but you should start as early as possible.

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