Reading Teacher

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What Children Really Need to Learn: Reading Edition

What Children Really Need to Learn: Reading Edition If your heart rate spikes after a quick glance at your child’s “learning objectives,” you’re not alone. The list of “things to know” by first grade, second grade, and so on can strike fear in the hearts of parents, educators, and especially young readers.   What does… Continue reading What Children Really Need to Learn: Reading Edition

7 Early Signs Your Child May Have a Reading Issue

7 Early Signs Your Child May Have a Reading Issue What counts as a “reading issue?”   In a shift toward more inclusive language, some educators and researchers refer to reading issues – rather than reading disabilities or disorders – to describe the challenges faced by readers of all ages.   Of course, a 7… Continue reading 7 Early Signs Your Child May Have a Reading Issue

Phonics Instruction for 5th graders

Phonics Instruction for 5th graders Introduction:   Teaching phonics to struggling 5th grade readers can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. In fact, research shows that phonics instruction can be highly effective for older students who are struggling with reading. In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies and resources for teaching phonics instruction to… Continue reading Phonics Instruction for 5th graders

Tools Supporting Students Reading Disabilities

Tools Supporting Students Reading Disabilities In recent years, educators have become more aware of the difficulties that students with reading disabilities experience. These issues can range from poor comprehension to language processing deficits. As such, educators should strive to equip their classrooms with the tools and strategies necessary to support these children and enable them… Continue reading Tools Supporting Students Reading Disabilities

Boosting Vocabulary with Sight Words for Non-English Speakers

Boosting Vocabulary with Sight Words for NonEnglish Speakers NonEnglish speakers are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to expanding their vocabulary because they may be unfamiliar with English words or have difficulty pronouncing them. However, by focusing on sight words, nonEnglish speakers can boost their vocabulary and develop a better understanding of the English… Continue reading Boosting Vocabulary with Sight Words for NonEnglish Speakers

How to Help Your Child to Read

How to Help Your Child to Read   Helping your child learn to read is an important and exciting journey. Here are some tips to support your child’s reading development:   Start early: Introduce your child to books and reading as early as possible. Even infants can benefit from exposure to picture books and simple… Continue reading How to Help Your Child to Read