Reading Teacher

Unlocking Language Skills: Understanding Phonological Awareness

Unlocking Language Skills: Understanding Phonological Awareness


Phonological awareness is a fundamental skill that plays a vital role in the development of reading and language abilities. It involves the recognition and manipulation of sounds in spoken language, without the reliance on print. In this article, we will explore the concept of phonological awareness and its significance in early literacy. By understanding the components of phonological awareness and its impact on reading and language skills, parents and educators can provide effective support to foster this essential skill in children.


What is Phonological Awareness?

Phonological awareness refers to the broad understanding of the sound structure of language. It encompasses a range of skills, including the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds (phonemes), syllables, rhymes, and larger units of language like words and sentences. Phonological awareness is an auditory skill that does not involve reading or writing.


Components of Phonological Awareness:

Phonological awareness consists of several key components:

Rhyme Awareness: The ability to identify and generate words that rhyme, such as cat-hat or run-fun.

Syllable Awareness: Recognizing and manipulating the parts or beats within words, such as clapping the syllables in "apple" or "elephant."

Phonemic Awareness: Understanding and manipulating individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words. This includes tasks like blending, segmenting, deleting, or substituting phonemes in words.

Importance for Language and Literacy:

Phonological awareness serves as a foundational skill for reading and language development. It plays a crucial role in:

Phonics and Decoding: Phonological awareness helps children understand the relationships between sounds and letters, enabling them to decode and read words.

Spelling and Writing: By recognizing and manipulating sounds in words, children develop the skills necessary for accurate spelling and writing.

Vocabulary and Comprehension: Phonological awareness supports the development of vocabulary by facilitating word recognition and comprehension skills by promoting an understanding of the sound structure of words.

Developing Phonological Awareness:

Parents and educators can support the development of phonological awareness through various activities:

Rhyming Games: Engage children in activities that involve identifying and generating rhyming words.

Syllable Awareness Activities: Encourage children to clap, stomp, or count the syllables in words.

Sound Segmentation and Blending: Practice tasks that involve breaking words into individual sounds or blending sounds to form words.

Word Play and Manipulation: Engage in activities where children manipulate sounds in words by adding, deleting, or substituting phonemes.


Integration with Literacy Instruction:

Phonological awareness should be integrated into early literacy instruction. Explicit instruction in phonological awareness skills can enhance children's phonics abilities, spelling, reading fluency, and overall language development. By incorporating phonological awareness activities into reading and writing lessons, educators can help children make connections between sounds and print.



Phonological awareness is a vital skill that lays the foundation for successful reading and language acquisition. By understanding the components of phonological awareness and its importance in language and literacy development, parents and educators can provide targeted support to foster this skill in children. Through engaging activities, explicit instruction, and integration into literacy instruction, we can empower children to become proficient readers, confident spellers, and effective communicators. By nurturing phonological awareness, we unlock the potential for lifelong language success and enable children to fully embrace the joys of reading and communication.

What Are Early Literacy Skills

What Are Early Literacy Skills

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What counts as an early reader?


If you’re pals with a preschooler, you probably know one! Early readers, also called early emergent readers, are in the earliest stage of their reading journeys. They’re learning about reading and writing before they’ve actually learned to read and write. Parents and educators can expect lots of scribbling, pointing at familiar sight words, and a growing interest in characters and objects in books.


Youngsters will develop their early literacy skills until around age four or five, when many start to receive formal literacy instruction at school. Until then, it’s important to understand the basics of early reading and ignite your child’s interest in the vast world of books, stories, and characters.


Let’s get to it! We’ll outline the basic early literacy skills and help you feel prepared for this foundational stage of literacy development.


What Are the Basic Early Literacy Skills


By the time your child is showing an active interest in books and an ability to draw and “write” (well, scribble) on their own, they’re in the classic stage of early literacy.


Whenever we’re talking about stages of literacy development, it’s important to remember that children learn to read at different rates! Your child might start to read confidently in kindergarten, first grade, third grade, or later. As long as they have a supportive adult and educator by their side, there is no “correct” or expected time to transition from an early reader to a fluent reader.


With this in mind, here are six basic early literacy skills most commonly identified by reading experts.


1.    Print Motivation

This is a fancy way to describe a child’s early interest in books. The earlier you can encourage a child to engage with books, the better. Once they discover that listening to an adult read their favorite book is FUN, they’ll be more motivated to listen to and eventually read books on their own.

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2.    Print Awareness

Children have to be aware of words before they read them! This skill requires children to learn the basic “anatomy” of a book: its front and back covers, the first page, and how to read from left to right - and right side up!


Like any skill, print awareness grows with exposure to books. As you’re reading with your child, hold the book together and allow them to turn the pages. This familiarizes them with the look and feel of a traditional book.


3.    Narrative Skills

If your child is fond of describing or retelling stories from books, they’re practicing their narrative skills, meaning that they’ve comprehended what they read. These skills often develop alongside print motivation: after all, the better we comprehend a story, the more likely we’ll finish it and pick up a new book.


To help build narrative skills, don’t limit the magic of storytelling to books alone: you can also encourage kids to talk about a silly story from their day, and take time throughout the week to talk about repeated events or objects.


By helping children understand the connections between people, places, and feelings, they’ll discover that stories exist everywhere: both in and outside of books.

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4.    Vocabulary

If you’ve ever caught your four year-old copying your adult-level vocabulary, you’re familiar with this early reading skill!


Sure, they’ll learn new vocab by simply spending time with their favorite grown-ups. But how can adults actively support early childhood vocab development?


In addition to reading books together, experts recommend that parents and educators speak to children in a conversational, positive tone. Giving commands and simple “yes”/”no” answers do not support the development of more nuanced, complex vocabulary.


5.    Letter Knowledge

Any fluent reader knows that a word is made up of individual letters. But in our early reading days, this was a major breakthrough.


To develop this simple skill, we can’t just sing the Alphabet Song. Children should also be encouraged to look and talk about different letters in ABC books and “I Spy” games. It’s equally important for children to learn about shapes during the early reading stage, since letters are made up of circles, squares, and other basic forms.

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6.    Phonological Awareness

One of our favorite early reading skills at Reading Teacher is phonological awareness: the ability to hear and manipulate sounds in spoken language. Children will start to develop this skill simply by hearing YOU, a supportive adult, read books to them.


Over time, early readers will learn to recognize when words rhyme and share the same starting or ending sounds. When reading a book aloud to an early reader, you can focus on this skill by “zooming in” on a new word, repeating it, and asking them to break the syllables apart by clapping: for example, “Oc/to/ber” or “Su/per/man” each require three claps.


It will take time, motivation, and patience to move from these early literacy skills to fluent reading. Yet as any adult reader can attest, this early investment is well worth a lifetime supply of books - and the joy they bring. Happy early reading!




  • Early reading skills, often used interchangeably with emergent reading skills, are developed from birth until a child gains the tools to actually read and write. These skills include:
    • Print motivation
    • Print awareness
    • Narrative skills
    • Vocabulary
    • Letter knowledge
    • Phonological awareness
  • These six skills are developed at home and/or in the classroom, through both regular exposure to books and in conversation with supportive adults.

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What is the Difference Between Phonological Awareness and Phonemic Awareness?

What is the Difference Between Phonological Awareness and Phonemic Awareness?

At Reading Teacher, we understand the struggle. When teachers try to learn new reading terms, they’re often faced with a storm of conflicting information, provided by everyone’s favorite yet sometimes unreliable friend: the Internet. We’ll save you the stress by outlining the difference between phonological awareness and phonemic awareness, followed by reading activities that help readers understand the tricky relationship between sounds and words.

Phonemic Awareness and Phonological Awareness Similar

What is Phonological Awareness?

Phonological awareness is the ability to manipulate individual units of sound, or phonemes, and understand how they form words. If a reader can blend, separate, add, delete, or substitute sounds, then they are master manipulators - of sound, that is.


What Does It Mean to Manipulate Sounds?

When defining phonological vs. phonemic awareness, we need to know what it truly means to manipulate a sound. Take the word “cat,” for instance: to assess whether a child is able to manipulate the sounds in the word “cat,” you can ask them to blend the sounds /c/ /a/ /t/, without telling them that these three phonemes form the word “cat.”

Phonemic Awareness and Phonological Awareness

Phonological Awareness Activities

What is a phonological awareness activity? Any lesson that asks a reader to manipulate sounds by blending, segmenting, adding, deleting, or substituting to form a word. Although we’ll continue with our “cat” example, any age-appropriate sight word can be used to practice the manipulation of sound.

  • Back to “cat”: you can directly present the word “cat” to a child and ask them to separate the sounds into /c/ /a/ /t/
  • Ask the reader: what’s another that sounds like “cat”? Answers could be “car,” “camp,” “cow,” or any other word that starts with /c/
  • Extra tricky: ask them to substitute sounds by giving them a new phoneme to start the word. Instead of /c/, substitute /r/ to sound out “rat”

What is Phonemic Awareness?
Compared to phonological awareness, which focuses on the connection between sounds and the words they form, phonemic awareness concentrates on the individual sounds in spoken language, defined as phonemes.


There are 44 phonemes in the English language - but with 26 letters in the English alphabet, how is this possible? The answer lies in the concept of digraph phonemes, in which two consonants create blended sounds. Sounds such as /sh/ and /ch/ may be composed of two letters each, but they’re still perfectly valid phonemes.

Phonological Awareness

Phonemic Awareness Activities
Because phonemic awareness is so specific, it can be difficult for educators to come up with targeted reading activities to test this skill. Because phonemic awareness assumes that readers are able to hear individual sounds, related activities can push children to become better listeners and interpreters of sound. Some simple ideas include:

  • Clap It Out: Sing a song or recite a favorite poem with your child, and clap loudly as soon as you hear a new syllable.
  • Noisy Phonemes: Find a “mystery item” in your home that makes a recognizable noise: perhaps a piece of bubble wrap, pot, or another noisy item. Have your child close their eyes, listen to the sound made by the item, and guess what it is, answering in a full sentence! This is an easy phonemic awareness activity for younger and/or more active readers.


How are Phonemic Awareness and Phonological Awareness Similar?

Both phonological and phonemic awareness emphasize sounds instead of letters. A handy rule of thumb - or tongue, in this context! - is that because phonological and phonemic awareness attend to sounds only and not letters, any activities that test these two skills can be done in the dark.


When explaining the differences between phonological awareness and phonemic awareness to a fellow teacher, start with the basics. As tedious as it can feel, this knowledge can take reading teachers, their lesson plans, and their readers much farther than they’d expect.

Phonemic Awareness


  • Phonological awareness refers to the ability to manipulate sounds and use them to form words, while phonemic awareness is hyper-focused on the ability to hear individual sounds.
  • Both phonemic and phonological awareness are focused on sound units, not letters.
  • Phonological awareness activities ask readers to blend, segment, and otherwise manipulate sounds, whereas phonemic awareness activities highlight the connection between hearing and speaking individual sound units.

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What is Phonological Awareness and Why is it Important?

What Is Phonological Awareness and Why Is It Important?

phonological awareness

The ability to recognize sounds and how they form words is known as phonological awareness. In other words, phonological awareness is the ability to work with sounds in spoken language. Having good phonological awareness allows children to play around with sounds and understand how they come together to form words. It also helps children discriminate between and manipulate sounds. Phonological awareness is not the same as phonics or phonemic awareness because it focuses on individual sounds in spoken language. It involves various skills, including rhyming, separating a word into sounds, and identifying the first sound of the word.

To support the development of phonological skills, children have to:

  • Practice regularly
  • Focus on rhyming
  • Practice connecting sounds
  • Try breaking apart words

Why is Phonological Awareness Important?

Phonological awareness consists of skills that develop over time and are important for children to successfully read and write. It’s important to introduce phonological awareness activities in pre-school, kindergarten, and first grade. Teaching phonological awareness at an early age can help eliminate reading problems that children might face in the future.


Developing strong competencies in phonological awareness is essential for children because knowing that words are made up of sounds is essential for success in learning and reading.


It allows children to learn the meaning and pronunciation of words by comparing them to similar words they already know. Phonological awareness later helps children decode and blend words.  Children can improve their pre-reading skills by hearing a sound and identifying where it occurs in a word.


Children who are not able to identify separate sounds don’t have the ability to write and read words they have never seen before. Therefore, children with phonological awareness difficulties may think that the words “cat” and “bat” are the same if they are having a hard time distinguishing between the alphabets “C” and “B.”

How to Teach Phonological Awareness

A variety of phonological awareness activities can be implemented in the classroom to help children distinguish between sounds and take a step towards independent reading. Phonological awareness skills can be taught through poems, games, songs, and nursery rhymes. To build phonological awareness, children have to practice rhyming, syllable division, and sound segmentation.


Rhyming is the first step in teaching children phonological awareness. After introducing rhyming, teachers should ask students to practice rhymes by manipulating and adding sounds in words.


The next step of learning phonological awareness skills is to break apart syllables. Clap out words like Oc-to-ber and Su-per-man to help children count syllables in words.


The final step of teaching children phonological awareness is to help them practice sound segmentation, which is the act of pulling apart words into different sounds. You can give the example of “Hat” and tell them that the word consists of three sounds – h-a-t. 


Example: To increase phonological awareness among children, teachers can take the help of songs, poetry, and traditional rhymes. After reciting rhyming songs or chants, the teacher can ask students to count the number of syllables in a word.

Differences Between Phonological Awareness and Phonemic Awareness

Usually, phonological and phonemic awareness are used to refer to phonological awareness. The terms are used interchangeably but have different meanings. To understand the differences between phonological awareness and phonemic awareness, we first have to understand what phonemic awareness is.


Phonemic awareness is the ability to notice, manipulate, identify, and work with individual sounds in spoken language. The primary difference between phonological and phonemic awareness is that phonological awareness is the ability to recognize words made up of different sounds. In contrast, phonemic awareness is the ability to understand how sound functions in words.


Phonological awareness includes identifying words that rhyme, sentence segmentation, identifying syllables in words and onsets and rimes. On the other hand, phonemic awareness includes blending sounds into words, sound segmentation, and manipulating a phoneme to form a new word.

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